Looking Out, Looking In
What to expect
This is a five week course on 5 consecutive Fridays starting on Friday February 28th Spring will be around the corner, and the days will be becoming lighter. Our eyes will be drawn away from the fire to the view from the window! A motif that has been an inspiration for many artists, this course will be all about looking at interior and exterior space - contrasting warm and cool, dark and light, defined and open space , man made and natural. The weather will dictate whether we are outside or in, but whichever it is, this will be an opportunity to notice opposites and consider how to describe them in drawing and painting. Looking at artists such as Winifred Nicholson, Richard Diebenkorn, Matisse, Bonnard, Gwen John, Andrew Wyeth, and Vihelm Hammershoi you will explore light and colour, composition and mood. The course will progress in response to the participants, but I envisage each of you completing a series of interior/exterior paintings by the end of course. This course is suitable for anyone who enjoys a creative challenge.